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The New Pinetree Observatory Build - 2022

May 24th - I made a start on the intermediate floor joists which continued the following day. It was a long and slow process, cutting each piece to length, painting them and screwing them in place.
By the end of the 25th, all the intermediate joists were fitted and painted. On the 26th, it started raining, so rather than trying to work on the observatory, I decided to jet-wash the algae off the shed, so it could be painted. What I expected to be a couple of hours work, turned out to be six and a half hours spraying. I painted the shed the next day.
The trailer was also moved to its new home on the 27th. At some point, I'll be building a lean-to trailerport over the top to keep the worst of the weather off it.

On May 28th, I began to box in the plinth of the observatory. I started at the top and worked down, with the lower planks needing trimming to match the fall of the ground. I got the front and most of the right end covered in by early evening. I also painted the remaining planks in shed paint on the outside and bitumen on the inside.

On the 29th, I continued planking, getting the rear and left side completed. While there was less to do, it took longer due to a number of breaks due to passing rain showers. The 30th saw the planking completed, with the right end finished after a bit of earth works.
In addition to the plinth, I edged the concrete next to the shed to hide the shuttering for the concrete. The builders assembled it with the screws on the concrete side, so once poured, I couldn't get to the screws to dismantle it. Covering it over gave a nice edge and it will be back filled with slates around the vegetable planter. Where the concrete ramp extends down onto the lawn, the edge was also covered in. It was another day interrupted by rain showers. By mid afternoon, I got several of the floor panels out to mark out the pier locations so the holes could be cut. Everything was packed away fairly quickly as the storm clouds were gathering once again.
May 31st - The holes for the piers were finally cut. The deep sky pier fell completely within one floor panel. The other pier was across the joint between four panels. I also cut two small inspection hatches in the floor at the front, so that in the future, I can spray weed killer under the floor should anything start growing under there.

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